The management of Finn Grey Project has assured orphans not to despair nor feel alone and that help is out there waiting for them.
A lawyer and founder of the group, Olubisi Shaola and the Project Director, Akintayo Afeez gave the assurance when members of the group visited Little Saints Orphanage, Akowonjo, Lagos to donate foods, beverages, carbonated drinks, toilet items and other household materials to the centre. The items were to ease their burden during the on-going celebration of the festive seasons.
Shaola said they decided to make the donation to the children of the orphanage to make life better for them in terms of feeding, clothing and shelter, stressing that the gesture was their own way of giving back to the society in order to make it a better living place for all.
Items donated included cartons of Indomie, Spagette, Milo, bags of rice, Corn Flakes, toiletries, carbonated drinks among others.
Shaola said: “The reason why we are doing it in this kind of place is that it would encourage other people. They would see that we have come to add value to the life of people in this place.
“We have chosen this kind of place in order to encourage other people to do same. They would see that we have come to add value to the live of people in this place and they too would be encouraged to do similar thing.
“May be there are some people out there who wanted to do this but they are shy. But when they see us do this, they would be encouraged to do same. Our message to other organsations and groups is for them to emulate us and give back to the society as well through this gesture. We shall be helping those who are in need so that the world can be a better place for us to live in”, he said.
Director of Project, Akintayo Afeez said that the group is considering discussing with the authority of the orphanage on the possibility of sponsoring the education of one or two of the children in the nearest future.
Akintayo expressed confidence that they can achieve this by sourcing funds from within the society, from their own resources and personal income adding that they can also tax themselves to get things done.
”There are a lot of people out there facing challenges but with time and determination, they can overcome such challenges if they are determined and hardworking”, he said
The Administrator of the orphanage, Mrs Tina Odiong thanked the group for the donation made to the children of the home.
Mrs Odiong said the orphanage has grown over time with branches in other states of the country and children from the homes playing important role within and outside country.
She stated that some of those who left the orphanage for America are doing very well in the US Army.
To ensure good education and better tomorrow for the inmates, she said children of the orphanage attend private institutions from primary school to university level and that two of them are in UK writing their master programme examination very soon.
Mrs Odiong said some of the children attend Crawford University, University of Lagos, (UNILAG), Akoka.